Adjustable Hp range 1/50 through 1.0
Standard features include: Dual voltage, adjustable MIN, MAX, IR COMP and CUR LIM, fixed ACCEL equal DECEL, and speed potentiometer with leads, knob and dial. Control weight is 8.0 oz.
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NEMA 1, Rugged, Lightweight aluminum enclosure
Standard features include: Dual voltage, adjustable MIN, MAX, IR COMP and CUR LIM, fixed or adjustable ACCEL and DECEL, and speed potentiometer with leads, knob and dial.
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Reversing control up through 2 Hp
Standard features include; Adjustable min, max, IR comp and current limit, fixed accel, 5K speedpot with leads, dial and knob included. Transient voltage protection, onboard dynamic brake resistor, automatic dynamic breaking on power loss
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For DC output current rating of 2 Amps
Standard features include: Dual voltage, adjustable MIN, MAX, and IR COMP, line voltage compensation, knob and dial only, pot is build in. Suffix 1A and 2A refer to mounting configurations for panel mount styles (see catalog).
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Rated to 2 Hp
Standard features include: Dual voltage, NEMA 4/12, adjustable MIN, MAX, ACCEL, IR COMP, and CUR LIM, AC fusing, and speed potentiometer with leads, knob and dial.
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Rated to 3 Hp
Standard Features include: Dual voltage via slide selector switch, NEMA 4/12, adjustable MIN, MAX, ACCEL, DECEL, I.R. Comp, and CUR LIM, AC fusing, transient protection, and speed potentiometer with leads, knob and dial. RC and RE versions include power interrupt relays.
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地址:台北市长安东路二段171号4楼之3 |
Address:4F-3. No.171. Sec.2. Chang An.E.Rd. Taipei. Taiwan. R.O.C. |
电话:(02)27111093~5 |
Tel:886-2-27111093~5 |
传真:(02)27310902, 27764624 |
Fax:886-2-27310902,27764624 |
骏融企业有限公司 版权所有 © 2012 JIN ZON ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
TEL:886-2-2711-1093~5 FAX:886-2-2731-0902 ,2776-4624